Marketing for Allied Health







If marketing is the key to success then surely every time we make a decision we need to consider the Marketing implications.

In my own story, I invented a product that I was very committed to, very passionate about but it failed.

It failed because I didn't consider how I was going to market it from even before I started to develop it.

You see you need to find a customer for your product or service to be successful. Otherwise it's a hobby.

Don't get me wrong, hobbies are wonderful but they don't pay the mortgage.



Marketing is surounded by myths and mis-information.

The problem is that there is not a lot of information to counter the myths.

Here are some commong Marketing Myths that YOU may have heard before -

YOU must set a Marketing Budget, based on a fixed percentage of sales.

Just copy the Marketing YOU see others do.

The best product wins.

YOUR Product / Service is so good that it will sell itself.

YOU just need to "Get your name out there" in the market.

It's better to have a lower price than YOUR competition.

All YOU need is a small fraction of a big market to be successful.

Everyone is YOUR potential customer.

In our Programs, courses and workshops we discuss and dispel these myths.


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Revision A01, 2024-01-25