Booking a clarity call is often the first way YOU will connect with us personally.
Booking a clarity call for YOU may be the first tangible step in doing something new or different. It can be a bit uncomfortable. It can also be really exciting!
For me they are one of my favourite things to do and I am honoured to be part of so many peoples' journeys.
Our Clarity Calls are always FREE with NO OBLIGATION or expectations on our part.
The outcome may be that we work with each other in some way, or it could be that we provide some advice to YOU or refer YOU to someone else or other resources.
What we discuss is completely confidential so be honest and open.
Clarity Calls are welcomed and as a result we have extended availability outside of typical business hours.
Our Clarity calls are used for a variety of purposes.
What they all have in common is the intent to provide clarity.
More clarity within YOU and more clarity in us, for what YOU want to achieve.
Our calls are deliberately short so we want to maximise our time together.
Clarity Calls are short and to the point without a lot of chat. We both want an outcome in the time provided.
Here are some things YOU can do to prepare for YOUR FREE Clarity Call -
1. | Be clear about YOUR question (opportunity or challenge). |
2. | Define it and be able to state it clearly. Ideally write it down. |
3. | Ideally (not essential) think about possible solutions to this question. One possible solution is great, three is ideal. |
4. | Choose a time and place where YOU can focus. |
5. | Take a few minutes beforehand to settle YOUR mind from whatever else is going on. |
Keep in mind that we always tell THE KIND TRUTH.
This means that we are honest but not mean.
More logical than emotional.
But it won't always feel completely comfortable for YOU.
This is change and growth.