The truth is that YOU don't need to have the best product or service, it doesn't even need to be the cheapest - but YOU MUST have marketing that is as least better than your competitors.
It's a sad truth in some ways. It's in our nature to believe that the best always wins but it's not always true.
But it's also an exciting truth because YOU and YOUR TEAM can learn to do marketing and be successful at it.
Put another way- that amazing product or service that you have created and are passionate about, no one will ever know about it (or buy it) without them being aware of it and the best way to do that is through a well thought out, TARGETED MARKETING PLAN.
Marketing may seem a little like voodoo but really it's mostly scientific with some human psychology mixed in. Consistency and commitment to the plan is the key.
I have learnt this through my own painful experience and am dedicated to being the best marketer I can be and to teach others like YOU what I have learnt.
YOU can read my story HERE.
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There are lots of definitions and confusion about what marketing is and what it isn't.
A quick definition of marketing -
Marketing is the strategy YOU use for getting YOUR TARGET MARKET to know YOU, like YOU and to trust YOU enough to become a customer and part with their hard earned money - and then hopefully to enjoy and appreciate the experience enough to purchase from YOU again and to refer YOU to others.
Marketing is the overall plan that encompasses all things to do with acquiring, selling and delivering YOUR product or service to your customers. Ideally marketing touches every aspect of YOUR business and operations.
All the things YOU normally associate with marketing such as direct email, printed advertisements and social media campaigns are all TACTICS. Read on.
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People often confuse the tactics with marketing.
Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, printed advertisements are all tactics. They are actions that support your marketing plan, based on your marketing strategy.
The really important point to make is that despite what the industry, service providers, consultants and media will tell YOU, not all tactics are relevant to YOUR TARGET MARKET.
Which is why the first item on YOUR marketing plan is to define and understand YOUR TARGET MARKET. Ideally even before YOU have developed a product or service.
WWhen implemented correctly a well thought out marketing plan will bring your more customers, better customers and more profits. In my experience there is no problem that can't be solved with more profits.
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